
2012年11月15日 星期四

Meteor Shower

I set by the window at night, looking through the glass on the night sky.  I saw the moon and stars.  They are shining and beautiful at every night. In some old stories, it saying a star falls, a soul fill up and rise to heaven bring together your wish to God. When you make a wish at once you see the Meteor, meteor will catch your wish make it comes true. Meteor comes from past cross present go to future, your wish would finally realized.

I missed a time to see Orionid Meteor Shower in Hong Kong at 2012. The great time (Hong Kong time) was from Sunday 21 October 11:59pm to the peak period on Monday 22 October 4:30am. The best viewing conditions will be in the predawn hours on Sunday the 21st away from the city lights. The zenith each outgoing rate ZHR,: 20 pcs meteor.

Meteors are bright trails of light in the sky when interplanetary particles or meteorites enter the Earth's atmosphere at high speed and burn in friction.

Sometimes, many meteors streak across the sky with similar trajectories forming meteor showers. These meteors appear to emanate from the same point in the sky. Meteor showers typically last a few hours to a few days and recur every year though with varying intensities.

Let us to know more about meteor shower :

The meteor shower is that many of the meteor from the sky in a so-called radiation point emitted by astronomical phenomena in the night sky. There float in the vast reaches of our Solar System swarms of sand bits and dust clods known as meteoroids. When these "space debris" tear into the Earth's atmosphere, air friction causes them to burn, forming momentary bright streaks that blaze across the sky. These are the meteors that we see from time to time.

Meteors often appear as sporadic lonely streaks that traverse somewhat random paths in the sky. This sporadic activity, which persists throughout the year, can account for about 10 visible meteors every hour on a clear night.

A "meteor shower" occurs when our home planet encounters a relatively dense region of meteoroids in space. An unusually large number of meteors can then be seen streaming from a certain point in the sky known as the "radiant". Most astronomers believe that meteoroids are of cometary origin. They are leftovers from periodic comets or are even fragmented comet nuclei. This at least accounts for the fact that a particular group of meteoroids shares with its parent comet more or less the same orbit, which can remain relatively unchanged over eons. An immediate consequence is that our Earth makes periodic rendezvous with this meteoroid swarm, thereby culminating in a regular display of these celestial fireworks. To name a few, we have the Lyrids in April and the Geminids in December.

Most of the meteor body than even small gravel, almost all meteoroids will be destroyed within the atmosphere, it will not hit the Earth's surface and able to hit the fragments of the Earth's surface is called a meteorite. A large number of special or unusual performance meteor shower will be referred to as "prominent meteor" or "meteor storm" may hour meteor will be more than 1,000 pieces.

The color of a meteor is the chemical composition of the meteoroid and a manifestation of the reaction temperature: sodium atoms emit light orange, yellow iron, magnesium is blue-green, calcium purple, silicon is red.

